Johor Poll: Low voter turnout could be due to COVID-19 concerns - Hasni

Hasni, who is BN's Benut state seat candidate, after casting his vote at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pengkalan Raja voting centre in Pekan Nanas, Pontian. (Source: BERNAMA)

PONTIAN: The concerns over Covid-19 infections could be the reason for low voter turnout in the Johor state election, in which only 50 per cent was recorded at 4pm today compared to the Election Commission's target of 70 per cent.

Johor Menteri Besar caretaker Datuk Hasni Mohammad said the Covid-19 pandemic had made voters less enthusiastic to vote in the state polls this time.


"We found that many adult voters (didn't go out to vote) probably because they were afraid of getting infected with Covid-19.

"They were not very passionate about voting and this involved all races, Malay, Chinese and Indians. As for senior citizens, it may be due to health reasons," the Barisan Nasional candidate told reporters after casting his vote at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pengkalan Raja, Pekan Nanas here.


The Benut incumbent arrived at the polling centre at 4.05 pm and finished exercising his duty as a voter 15 minutes later. - BERNAMA