Umno should not rely on the sympathy of others, says Shahril Hamdan

Umno information chief Shahrul Sufian Hamdan opined that the party should stand on its own feet and be confident with its vision for Malaysia. - Awani Photo

KUALA LUMPUR - Umno Deputy President Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan has made a clear message when he said Umno should not rely on the sympathy of others, said party information chief Shahril Sufian Hamdan In a statement, Shahril explained Umno should stand on its own feet and be confident with its vision for Malaysia.


"Tok Mat also invites the Malays to go back to Umno but in order to do that, we have to understand and engage with change due to socialization and mobilization. Malays today are different compared to a few decades ago.

"Umno must have its own moderate strategy and be ready to stabilize the nation as well as being fair to all as what has been done in the past.


He also added that Umno requires a vision that is able to capture the voter's imagination in terms of economy, politics and reforms in institutions.

Umno's vision must also include the agenda of climate change, women empowerment, and prepare Malaysia for future trends.


"The political situation of the country must have a solution. This is the time for BN to bring back the mandate to the rakyat to choose who is right to govern with a clear framework and vision.

"We also need to come together to uphold the sanctity of race, religion, and Malaysia itself,” he said. - AWANI
