Selangor Umno, Pas to cooperate in GE15, with eye on capturing state - Noh

Selangor Umno chief Tan Sri Noh Omar (right) with Selangor Pas commissioner Datuk Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi (left) during a press conference after the Tanjung Karang parliamentary constituency Aidilfitri open house, today. - BERNAMA

TANJUNG KARANG - Umno and Pas will avoid contesting in the same seats in Selangor in the 15th general election (GE15), with the hope of ousting Pakatan Harapan (PH), said Selangor Umno chief Tan Sri Noh Omar.

He said that in principle, the two parties had already discussed allocation of seats in Selangor even before Perikatan Nasional (PN) was formed.


"If Umno contests in a Parliament seat, state seats must have Pas and vice versa, to avoid clashes between the two parties,” he told a press conference after the Tanjung Karang parliamentary constituency Aidilfitri open house here today.

With this strategy, Umno and Pas were targeting to win at least 30 of the 56 state seats up for grabs in Selangor, he said.


Noh, who is Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister, hoped that the top leaderships of both parties would agree to this arrangement.

Meanwhile, Selangor Pas commissioner Datuk Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi said that in Selangor, the enemy of Pas and Umno is PH.


"GE14 showed that both Umno and Pas had their own voter bases. If we display this commonality and unity to the people, we can topple PH. Three-cornered fights will take us nowhere,” he said.

Asked whether Pas is prepared to clash with Bersatu in Selangor, he said this is for the highest level of the party leadership to decide.


PAS and Bersatu are part of PN while Umno leads Barisan Nasional. - BERNAMA