Illegal logging needs to stop, Kuantan MP says during Kompas Rasuah Busters event

From right: Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh with environmental activist Khaidir Ahmad and moderator Zaim Zaini during Rasuah Buster's nationwide tour in Kuantan.

KUANTAN - Greed for higher profits has caused large scale deforestation and illegal loggings here, causing environmental degradation, said Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh

She said it could also lead to more disasters.

"My study shows landslides occur in both untouched primary and secondary forests,” she said, adding that landslides occur due to actions carried out by irresponsbile human action and natural disasters.

She said this during the Kompas Rasuah Busters programme dubbed ‘Alam Menangis Angkara Tangan’ here on Monday.


She further raised concerns over frequent logging approvals or conversion of permanent forest reserves to plantation forest which may cause adverse impact on the environment.

"The approval of small areas does not require Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), but it could be one of the causes. Not to mention the status of abandoned plantation forests,” she said.


Environmental activist Khaidir Ahmad said the community needs to come together and be brave in defending environmental issues in the country.

"The people must work in unity to voice, write and report any offenses that affects the environment. Don’t be afraid. Do it base on facts.


"We have sufficient laws, but corruption is the main root of the problem. The law is there, but enforcement is not carried out as well as it should be especially involving abuse of powers, ” he claimed.

The programme was part of Rasuah Buster's nationwide tour to create awareness on corruption.

Rasuah Busters was led by Sinar Malaysia Foundation chief executive officer Nurhayati Nordin.
