Big tent concept not the main strategy for GE15, Anwar, Rafizi say

Anwar Ibrahim (right) and Rafizi Ramli (left) at PKR Annual Congress 2022 held at IDCC Shah Alam, today. Photo by Asril Aswandi

SHAH ALAM - PKR can consider the big tent concept but it should not be their main strategy to face the 15th general election (GE15), party leaders say.

PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said cooperating with those who had betrayed the party is a big no and they should face GE15 with their own strength.


"If we join a coalition who betrayed us and it is obvious their fight will not be aligned with our agenda, and we would not be able to continue such cooperation.

"I don’t want to make it clear who they are, but that’s the sentiment because our mandate was betrayed.


"In order to face the general election, we need to start with the strength of PKR and PH,” he said during the PKR 16th Annual Congress held at IDCC Shah Alam, today.

Meanwhile, PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli said the topic of the big tent issue can be discussed but not as a major strategy to face GE15.


He said the message regarding the big tent concept has been made clear by the party, hence the other parties will know over the party's boundary.

"It can be discussed but it should not be the main strategy for the general election.


"Besides, we can avoid our past experiences where we were forced to compromise and there were a lot of negotiations on who will get what, and not on policies and on the rakyat,” he added.