Hazardous cosmetic, medicinal products to be recalled within 24 hours - Dr Noor Azmi

Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali. - Bernama Photo
KUALA LUMPUR - Cosmetic and medicinal products that contain ingredients that are hazardous to the health of consumers will be ordered to be recalled from the market within 24 hours, said Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali.

Dr Noor Azmi said for products that pose minor risks or those that do not meet the set quality standards, they need to be withdrawn from the market within 72 hours (level 2 status as opposed to level 1 for products that must be recalled within 24 hours).

"Level 3 is for products with other problems that must be withdrawn from the market within 30 days," he said during the question-and-answer session in the Dewan Rakyat today.

Dr Noor Azmi was replying to a question from Sabri Azit (PAS-Jerai) who wanted know whether monitoring measures were being taken to deal with "social media doctors" who were rampantly selling cosmetics to the extent of causing side effects to consumers.

He added that at level 1, the product will be withdrawn from all consumers, level 2 from all places that supply consumers such as hospitals, pharmacies, clinics and so on, while at level 3 it will be withdrawn from all wholesalers/distributors of the product. - BERNAMA