Tourism dept to implement star rating system for scuba diving centres in Terengganu

Terengganu Tourism Department will implement a star rating system for scuba diving centres to ensure safety - 123RF Photo
KUALA TERENGGANU - The Terengganu Tourism Department will soon implement a star rating system for scuba diving centres in the state to ensure safety and a more organised provision and management of the water recreational activity.

Its director, Fadli Yusof Zakaria said it is an effort to provide the best scuba diving services and experience to tourists.

In this regard, he said the department is identifying scuba diving centres throughout the state for evaluation and standardisation purposes.

"This (scuba diving centre rating) is a new thing; it has never been done before. We are working with the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) to get the recognition.

"There are about 200 scuba diving centres on the islands, but the ones we have identified to be rated are more than 50," he told the media after the launching of Bidong Dive Week 2022 in Bidong Island, yesterday.

Fadli Yusof said, with the implementation of the rating system, aspects such as standard operating procedures (SOP) and tourist management methods at the centres can be monitored more effectively by the authorities, adding that it is important to avoid any issues, especially regarding the safety of tourists when participating in the activity.

"With this (rating) system, tourists' confidence will also increase and they will also feel safer because there is an assurance or guide in choosing the best scuba diving centre that meets safety standards," he added. - BERNAMA