Police deny hundreds of motorcycles went missing in Terengganu

Around 40,000 fans of the RXZ Motorcycle attending the RXZ Members 4.0 2022 programme in Terengganu - BERNAMA Photo
KUALA NERUS - Terengganu police have denied allegations, which went viral on social media recently, that hundreds of motorcycles had gone missing during the RXZ Members 4.0 2022 programme.

Terengganu police chief Datuk Rohaimi Md Isa said they only received two reports in connection with the loss of the motorcycles on Saturday (Aug 13), which was vastly different from that viralled by netizens.

"Only two motorcycles went missing and there was also a fatal accident involving a member of the programme who was travelling from Selangor to here (Kuala Terengganu).

"Don't be too quick to believe the social media because they can confuse us," he said after attending the conferring of the Pingat Jasa Pahlawan Negara at the Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA) here today.

Also present were Terengganu Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar and Bukit Aman deputy director of management (Services/Personnel) Datuk Mohd Alwi Zainal Abidin.

At the ceremony, a total of 668 recipients including police officers, members and retirees from this state were awarded the medal as a gesture of appreciation for their services and sacrifices to the country.

Meanwhile, Rohaimi advised organisers or associations interested in holding activities or programmes, such as the RXZ Members 4.0 2022 gathering, to inform the police in advance so as to facilitate the drafting of safety measures.

He said this was to ensure there would be a more organised and perfect control of the situation to avoid any inconvenience to the public as well as programme participants. - BERNAMA