JPNIN channels RM1.5 mln to KRT to enliven National month celebrations

The special allocation of between RM30,000 and RM50,000 had been distributed to each state. - Photo: JPNIN
MARANG - The Department of National Unity and National Integration (JPNIN) has channelled RM1.5 million to Neighbourhood Watch Areas (KRT) across the country to organise activities in conjunction with the National month celebrations.

Its director-general, Datuk Norison Ramli said the special allocation of between RM30,000 and RM50,000 had been distributed to each state to allow the KRT to carry out programmes in their respective locations.

"We channel this allocation to the machinery of JPNIN, the KRT, to carry out the National month programmes from Aug 1 to Sept 16," she told Bernama after a plogging programme to pick up litter with Geng Plastik Ija and KRT volunteers at Pulau Kekabu beach here, today.

Meanwhile, Norison said about 600 KRT nationwide have been inactive due to various factors including the absence of leaders and the implementation of several editions of the Movement Control Order to contain the spread of COVID-19, adding that she had instructed state JPNIN directors to identify arising issues for further actions.

"We have 8,830 KRT across the country and only two per cent or 600 KRT are inactive.

"But we need to revive the KRT for it has an important role in solving issues in the community, strengthening relationships and providing security control," she added. - BERNAMA