Pas maintains Umno as a ta'awun partner under ummah unity concept - Takiyuddin

Takiyuddin said the party will continue to be open and ready to hold meetings, discussions, and consultations with all ta'awun friends. - Photo: Sinar Archive
KUALA LUMPUR - Pas will continue to consider Umno and all parties under the umbrella of ummah unity as ta'awun partners (cooperation partners) especially in building a righteous country blessed by God, said Pas secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan.

He said the party will continue to be open and ready to hold meetings, discussions, and consultations with all ta'awun friends by focusing on points of commonality and bridging any differences for the good of the country and the people.

According to Takiyuddin the matter was among the subjects decided in the Pas central committee meeting today.

He said the party will continue to be consistent and committed to the unification of ummah agenda as the main focus of national unity between the Malay Muslims, Bumiputras and people of various races in this country.

"This situation will be the key formula towards the stability of the country and the well-being of the people. This is also in line with the motion brought by the Central Pas Dewan Ulamak and is unanimously supported in the 68th PAS Annual General Assembly in Alor Setar recently.

"PAS is also keeping to its stand of not cooperating with Pakatan Harapan and not accepting the concept of a big tent sponsored by any party even in facing GE15 (15th general election)," he said in a statement today.

According to Takiyuddin, Pas is very confident that the unity between the Malay Muslim parties can guarantee the formation of a fair and just government for all people of various races, religions and cultures and will be accepted by the vast majority of people who do not want the dark history of the past to repeat itself. - BERNAMA