11 recommendations for GE15 manifesto - Penang Mufti

Respecting Islam as the federal religion is one of the 11 key elements recommended to be included in the manifesto of political parties for GE15, says the Penang Mufti.

GEORGETOWN - Respecting Islam as the federal religion is one of the 11 key elements recommended to be included in the manifesto of political parties for the 15th General Election (GE15), says the Penang Mufti.

Datuk Seri Wan Salim Wan Mohd Nor said besides that, he hoped that the manifesto would give freedom for each citizen to choose and practice their religion.


He also hoped that parties contesting in GE15 would draft their manifesto carefully to ensure it was practical.

"I am not a politician and it is inappropriate for me to interfere in the matters of any political parties, but I just want to remind the leaders of all parties about a few key elements that are important in my opinion that should not be pushed aside in the preparation of the manifesto.


"There are a few matters that must be taken into serious consideration because it involves important elements to maintain a harmonious environment among Malaysians of different race, religion and culture," he said in a statement on Monday.

He said the manifesto drafted should have elements to uphold the Malay language with efforts to restore the Jawi writing to its original position in the formal national education curriculum.


"I advise political parties in the country to not dispute the position of the King and the rights of Malays and Bumiputeras.

"The manifesto should continue vernacular education for all races by including the subjects about the background of the history of Malaysia's establishment and patriotic elements.


"Emphasising on religious teachings and moral education should not be forgotten for all levels from kindergarten to universities," he said.

He also recommended for the manifesto to include giving complete freedom to the courts and maintain the separation of powers between the executive, legislative and the judiciary.

"A good manifesto needs the people to choose a party of their choice to rule the country. As such, the political parties that are contesting are advised to not abuse their position for personal interests, families and cronies.

"In the manifesto I hope there are efforts to take practical and comprehensive steps to prevent elements that could bring moral destruction among the public.

"Lastly, hopefully political parties would take steps to prevent discrimination towards religions in Malaysia," he said.

Previously, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the date of the dissolution of Parliament would be announced soon to make way for GE15.

The Umno vice president has asked for time to be given to confirm the date with Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.