GE15: Posting voting registration opens -- EC

The postal ballot application for GE15 is now available

SHAH ALAM -- The Election Commission (EC) has opened registration for postal voting for the 15th General Election (GE15).

The deadline however, said EC secretary Datuk Ikmalrudin Ishak, will be announced after EC decides on the polling date.


Election officers, police and military members as well as media personnel must apply manually at the commission office in their respective constituencies.

Malaysians abroad can apply online at


"The EC will hold a special meeting to discuss and determine the important dates for GE15 as well as for the Bugaya state by-election in Sabah,” added Ikmalrudin.

Prime Minister Ismail Datuk Seri Sabri Yaakob announced the dissolution of Parliament in a special address earlier today, paving the way for GE15 to be held within the next 60 days.


The dates for nominations and polling will be decided by the EC.
