Umno-Pas meeting only involved four leaders

Pas youth chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari - FILE PIX

SHAH ALAM - The discussion between Umno and Pas last Friday (Oct 14) only involved four leaders of both parties and not seven leaders as claimed on social media.

Pas youth chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari said the presence of Pas president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang and his deputy Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man in a meeting with the Umno leadership last week only discussed about the conditions set by Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.


"I bear witness that Pas president and Pas deputy president are telling the truth, they did not lie and they never broke their promise.

"The presence of the Pas president is to understand Umno and hear out the conditions that will be set by the party’s president.


"The Pas deputy president was present as a witness in the meeting and wrote down the details of the discussion.

"There is no need for me to reveal the conditions presented," he said through a Facebook post on Wednesday.


On Friday, Umno youth chief Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki shared a photo of a meeting between the president and deputy president of both parties on Wednesday, a day before Pas decided to stay with Perikatan Nasional (PN).

Asyraf said it involved the offer of 47 seats by Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) that could be won by Pas if the Pas joined PN in the 15th General Election (GE15).


However, the latest photo revealed by BN secretary-general Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir on Facebook and shared by Asyraf showed that there were three more leaders from both parties who participated in the meeting.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Fadhli who is also Pasir Mas MP also claimed that the photo circulated by Asyraf was as if he was present in the meeting and the photo was taken 10 minutes before the discussion started.

He said Asyraf was not in the room when the discussion was held between the four leaders.

"After that the other three people left, leaving only four leaders. The discussion between the president and deputy president of Pas and Umno took place about an hour.

"Asyraf was also outside during the discussion," he said.

He added that in the meeting, Abdul Hadi was given a short period that was until Friday (Oct 14) to finalise his decision.

"There is no question of seats, there is no question of the Prime Minister.

"What is discussed about is the question of law, what is the benefit, what is the harm. What arises is a question of fate, not the fate of the seats and the leadership (who will be charged tomorrow, who will be charged the day after), but the fate of religion, nation and country, " he explained.