GE15: Malaysia deserves better, don't let kleptocrats return

Lembah Pantai MP Fahmi Fadzil
SHAH ALAM - Boycotting 15th general elections (GE15) will indirectly boost chances of kleptocrats to return to rule the nation, said Lembah Pantai MP Fahmi Fadzil.

Fahmi, the former PKR MP are among the politicians vocal against the move to boycott GE15 out of political frustration as the polls may do more harm than good.

"If you boycott the vote, it really helps those who are kleptocrats, those who have been part of the effort to steal money from the people, (and allowing) abuse of power (to continue),” he said.

He said Malaysians deserve better and due to that every vote was important and precious.

"I believe in the principle of no taxation without representation.

"If you are young enough to drive, own a property, be a soldier, policeman or firefighter, to lay down your life for the country, you have a right to vote and choose a (capable) leader and the direction of the country,” he said.

Fahmi told Sinar Daily's Politically Frank that boycotting GE15 would be a mistake and to be part of the democracy process.

Aside from the boycott, issues of UndiRosak were also on the rise.

To this, he said such a move could only play into the hands of those who wished to suppress votes.

The possibility of people not coming out to vote has been said higher as weather experts say Malaysia is likely to face one of the worst monsoon season from mid Nov onwards.

Malaysians go into polls on Nov 19.

He felt boycotting the GE15 should not be added to the plate to demoralise people to come out and vote and urged eligible voters to vote so their voices could be heard.