Rafizi has upper hand within youths but 'no one knows how first timers will vote'

Rafizi spots Ong from a distance and calls him over to join the press conference with both men wishing one another the best.  
PANDAN – PKR's maverick Rafizi Ramli says he has an added advantage within youths but "you don’t know for sure how first-time youth voters will vote".

The Pandan candidate said it would depend on the candidates initiatives to meet the people.

"When there are too many candidates and too many parties, voters, especially first-timers, will have a hard time deciding.

"Therefore, in cases like this, I would have an advantage as younger voters are more familiar with me,” he said during a walkabout today.

Rafizi, the former Pandan MP and a well-known face natiownide said it will be helpful if the candidates had a good and long-standing relationship with the voters in Pandan.

Today during the walkabout, Rafizi met Warisan’ candidate for Pandan, Tan Sri Ong Tee Keat.

During a press conference, Rafizi spotted Ong from a distance and called him over to join the press conference while wishing one another the best.

"He has done a lot for the people of Pandan and I would like to put it on record,” said Rafizi. Rafizi acknowledged Ong’s influence on senior voters in Pandan as he had been there since 1999.