Anwar one of the most qualified candidates for PM, Tian Chua says

Tian Chua - BERNAMA

SHAH ALAM – Former Batu Member of Parliament (MP) Tian Chua says PKR president Anwar Ibrahim is one of the most qualified candidates for the next Malaysia Prime Minister (PM).

In an exclusive interview on Sinar Daily TV segment, Fireside Chat, Tian Chua expressed his respect for Anwar as someone who had a vision for his country and made up one of the most qualified candidates recommended by various blocs for the nation’s premiership.


In addition, he also hoped to see a line-up of younger candidates to pass the baton to for the future.

"Of course, we all need to lay down the ground for the future. I hope that one day, we are not limited to only a few choices and we should have a variety of choices of younger leaders emerging that could be the PM candidates.”


Reflecting on his friendship with the head of PKR, Tian Chua said PKR leaders bonded through common struggles as they went through hard times together.

"All three of us had been to prison. We had been fighting for our belief and we paid prices for what we stood for,” he added.


"The division that eventually separated everyone in different ways was a tragic one, but sometimes in a political process, every individual needs to make their own choice as in which direction they want to go,” Tian Chua opined.

When asked about his connection with former PKR member Azmin Ali, he noted there were moments when they would agree with each other and some when they would argue instead.


"We have working relations. PKR factions are always transient in different issues that we would take different positions.”

"I cannot deny that we had a good working relationship when were in the party, but when he chose to leave, I chose to stay and I still believe that we need a multiracial party that can represent all Malaysians to struggle for the future,” Tian Chua said.

On his decision to contest independently, he explained that he understood and acknowledged Anwar’s disappointment.

"I understand that as an executive officer of the party, he is obliged to follow party’s regulation.

"I don’t expect that as the party president, he is to openly say that the party rules can be violated.”

Tian Chua said that their friendship was built on struggle. Over the years, they had differences and argued, but ultimately, he believed their goal to build a better Malaysia was the same.

"So my friends in different political parties or positions, I would respect them. They can take different positions.

"As long as we are still striving towards the same goal, I’m alright,” he said.