GE15: Najib is healthy, he wants BN to win - Nooryana

Nooryana (second from the left) meeting with voters in the Casual Talk Programme in PDM Tonggak 10, on Friday.
SUNGAI BESAR - Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is healthy and wants Barisan Nasional (BN) to win the 15th General Election.

His daughter Nooryana Najwa said her father was confident that BN was a coalition that could fight for the fate of the people and transform the country to become more developed in the future.

"I hope that if anyone misses bossku (Najib), give some good news to him as he was willing to sacrifice himself for BN and wants to see this coalition lead the country," she said during a speech at the Casual Talk Programme in Tonggak 10 District Voting Centre (PDM) yesterday.

Nooryana said she hopes that BN will win with a big majority and form the next government.

She stressed that the coalition machinery must intensify their efforts to pull the support of the voters to ensure that BN comes out victorious in the upcoming polls. She said the 'Bossku' aura was always with the people even if Najib himself was behind prison walls.

"Even though my father is there (in prison), he had always thought about three things that is BN, Umno and the people,"

Nooryana added that Najib was pleased after examining the list of BN candidates including the selection of Sungai Besar Umno Division Chief Datuk Seri Jamal Md Yunos as a candidate for the Sungai Besar Parliamentary seat.

"When my dad knew Jamal was the Sungai Besar BN candidate he felt proud and told me no matter what you must come down to Sungai Besar to provide support for Jamal.

"Bossku knows Jamal was a brave person and he was loyal in defending the party." she said.

