GE15: 3,476 permits for campaigning approved in Sabah

Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Idris Abdullah - BERNAMA
KOTA KINABALU - A total of 3,476 permits for the 15th General Election (GE15) campaign purposes are approved by the Sabah police from the nomination day on Nov 5 until yesterday, says Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Idris Abdullah.

He said a total of 520 permits were approved yesterday, of which the highest approval was recorded in the Lahad Datu parliamentary constituency at 93 permits.

"Inspections conducted found that all campaign activities had valid permits and did not violate the conditions that had been set," he said in a statement today.

He said between Oct 26 and yesterday, police received 85 reports related to GE15 of which 15 investigation papers were opened.

Meanwhile, when met by reporters after casting his vote in the early voting process at the Sabah contingent police headquarters here, Idris said five individuals were arrested on Nov 6 to assist in the investigation of the commotion that occurred outside of the nomination centre for the Tenom parliamentary constituency but they had been released on police bail.

"So far, those were the only arrests (for the Tenom case)," he said, adding that police are preparing the investigation papers.

On nomination day, supporters of Parti Kesejahteraan Demokratik Masyarakat (KDM) caused a commotion after the nomination papers of its president Datuk Peter Anthony to contest the Tenom seat were rejected by the Election Commission (EC). - BERNAMA