'I never sold Umno-BN' - Zahid

Zahid speaking at a gathering programme in Rompin.- Photo: BERNAMA

ROMPIN - Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi insists that he never "sold” Umno and BN even though the party decided to work with Pakatan Harapan (PH) to form a unity government.

He said the BN-PH coalition was to ensure that the rights, interests, needs of the people could be prioritised.


"I will never sell Umno, let alone BN. What is more important is that a government must be formed.

"When we become a government, we will ensure that the rights, needs and interests of the people must come first," he said in a gathering programme, here, on Tuesday.


Zahid, who is also the Deputy Prime Minister said before deciding to join PH, he had a meeting with DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook.

He said the meeting was to seek clarification and on DAP's stance on some of the matters under the country's constitution.


"I asked Anthony on the position of Islam if we cooperate with DAP. What is the privileged position of the Malays, the Malay language and the Institution of Malay Rulers in DAP’s view?

"Anthony informed us of DAP's new leadership, so we followed on the matters in the constitution," he said.


On the 15th General Election (GE15) of the Tioman State Legislative Assembly (DUN) seat, Zahid said he wanted voters in the State Assembly to translate their support to the Pahang government and the federal government under the unity government.

"Tioman voters should never make mistakes, but instead let the victory go to BN candidate Datuk Seri Mohd Johari Hussain," he said.