Altimet gives 'Aduh Malaysia' song royalties P Ramlee's heirs


SHAH ALAM - Rap singer Syed Ahmad Syed Abdul Rahman, better known as Altimet will give away money from royalties of ‘Aduh Malaysia’ song to the heirs of Malaysian legendary actor and director Tan Sri P Ramlee.

He said the royalty is for the next 50 years.


"2022 is also one of the last years for P Ramlee's heirs to get his intellectual property.

"This rights expires 50 years after the creator dies. The more people sing, the more they get. So, thank you all," he said in a tweet today.


The 1987 Copyright Act has a 50-year protection period after the death of its creator. There will be not be any royalty payments once the contract ends.

The song Aduh was inspired by P. Ramlee through the movie Ali Baba Bujang Lapok which was later recomposed by Altimet.

