Zahid calls for togetherness in good and bad times for 2023

Deputy prime minister, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi calls Malaysians to aim for togetherness in 2023 - photo by Bernama

SHAH ALAM - Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi invites all parties to continue working together to strengthen their commitment in driving the country's excellence in 2023.

Via short video on the new year message on Saturday night, Zahid, who is also the Umno President, said the people should have a sense togetherness in facing success or challenges ahead.


"I hope that we will all work together to strengthen our commitment and continue to drive excellence for the year 2023. We will certainly celebrate all our successes together.

"While the upcoming challenges will be tackled and fought for the sake of Malaysia that we love. I am committed to shouldering the responsibilities entrusted to me.


"My hope is to make Malaysia progress under this unity government.

"Happy New Year 2023," he said in a one minute 28 seconds video shared on his Facebook.
