RELATABLE: Women should be more involved in managing household finances

Women should be independent in handling their financial - photo by Rafeq Redzuan

SHAH ALAM - Women should be knowledgeable in managing household finance, then leaving the husband alone in the marriage.

Associate Financial Planner Erin Adlina Adnan dived in further that women should be financially literate in a household.


"It is vital for women to also know, you discussed with your husband, that's one knowledge plus one knowledge we have bigger knowledge than not having at all.

"Just the fact that I saw how much my parents did it.


"They discuss all this and dad he’s a lot more ahead because of his upbringing and also back in the States they were together and my mom sort of okay he handles most of the things,” she said.

Though pressing on the issue of women and the importance of financial literacy, Erin Adlina suggested everyone, including children at young age should have done their part as well.


Erin Adlina talked in the Sinar Daily’s Relatable programme "Women: Caught in the Financial Vortex” today with Wahine Capital’s founder, Rejina Rahim as co-panellist.

Rejina also touched on the issue of when women shouldn’t wait to taken of financially.


"We are so culturally ingrained by saying it's okay the husband will do it, the brothers will do it but when whos come to shaft, who’s the Home Minister? Home minister is always the woman.

"We are the ones that even if the husband forgets to give money or whatever, we would somehow find a way to keep safe, to make sure the children get fed, and go to school,” she said.

Thus, Rejina encouraged women to be more independent and take charge of their own lives instead of waiting for others to take care.