RELATABLE: Prep your will at a younger age

Wahine Capital founder, Rejina Rahim during Relatable "Women: Caught in the Financial Vortex" - photo by Rafeq Redzuan

It’s never wrong to start preparing for your will early.

During Sinar Daily’s Relatable programme ‘Women: Caught in a Financial Vortex’, Wahine Capital founder, Rejina Rahim shared it was vital to set the will at a younger age.


"Regarding the Faraid law, if you’re a single woman with no parents who are no longer around, you have nobody around, you’re actually at the risk of your assets being taken up by Baitulmal.

"So, which means that the fact that favourite charity or you want to give it to your best friend that’s not an option.


"So, that’s why it’s important for you to have a will or have Hibah because it costs a lot less to have things organised at a young age than when it’s older,” she said.

For Associate Financial Planner Erin Adlina Adnan, she placed Life Hibah as an example for youth to purchase at a young age; it was cheaper than buying at the older stage of life.


"It’s easier as well because we might still be healthy, no illnesses or problems with our health, the younger you start the better.

"Not only it’s cheaper but also the awareness, the saving habits are there when you were younger. Then comes the lifestyle,” she said.
