More than 80 percent reconciliation cases reach amicable solution

picture for illustrative purposes - FILE PIC
SEPANG- A total of 32,718 cases or 85 per cent of the 38,683 sulh (conciliation) cases registered in Syariah courts nationwide from 2019 to 2022 recorded amicable settlement through sulh proceedings.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar said among the cases were child custody dispute, child support, property and mutaah.

He said cases that were not resolved through sulh proceedings would be tried before a judge.

"Imagine if there is no sulh mediation, the 38,000 registered cases will go straight to court,” he told reporters after handing over professional certificate of sulh-mediation skills course and launching the Sulh Squad here today.

Mohd Na'im said sulh not only resolves the disputes between the parties involved but more than that, for example if it involves child custody dispute, sulh officers will also emphasise on how to build good relationships in order to safeguard the children's welfare - BERNAMA