Youth and Sports Ministry looking to resolve lack of special training centres for athletes - Hannah

Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh said the government is working on resolving the lack of special training centres for athletes in the country. - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR - The government is working on resolving the lack of special training centres for athletes in the country, says Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh.

She said following complaints raised over the matter by sports associations during engagement sessions, the Youth and Sports Ministry was collecting more information on their requirements.


"The ministry will provide assistance... so we will do an inventory first. We will find all the fields first, then we will do the matching to help the associations," she said after attending the launching ceremony of the National Baseball League 2023 (NBL2023) here, yesterday.

During several engagement sessions prior to this, sports associations have complained about constraints in terms of sports training facilities and venues.


Earlier, the Raja Muda of Perlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail, who is also the royal patron of the Baseball Federation of Malaysia, officiated the launch of NBL2023, which will feature eight teams, namely Perlis, Perak, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Putrajaya, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor.

The champions will take home a rolling trophy and RM5,000 in cash. - BERNAMA
