MOTAC to discuss with PM on increasing budget allocation - Tiong

Tiong King Sing. - Foto Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR - The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) will meet Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to discuss on increasing the allocation for the tourism sector in Budget 2023.

Its minister, Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, said the increase was needed to intensify efforts to promote the tourism industry, more so because 2025 is Visit Malaysia Year.

However, he said the discussion would take into consideration the Prime Minister's call for savings as well as the country's current situation following COVID-19.

"This year we are given RM275 million to implement promotional activities and cultural programmes. We will sit down with the prime minister and go through the budget allocation again. Nevertheless, MOTAC is thankful for the allocation and support and will work together to make things happen.

He said this when met by reporters after flagging off participants of Larian Santai, organised by Tourism Malaysia in collaboration with Malaysian Recreation Association at the Kuala Lumpur City Hall Square today.

Tiong said the tourism sector is one of the drivers of growth to improve the country's economy and the people's standard of living. - BERNAMA