Charcoal waste, palm oil caused Sungai Serdang pollution

The polluted Sungai Serdang, Kapar caused by charcoal waste and illegal disposal of palm oil waste. (Inset: Hee Loy Sian)

KLANG - The Selangor Water Management Board (Luas) has identified charcoal waste and illegal palm oil waste for poor water quality problem in Sungai Serdang, Kapar.

On Wednesday, public had raised the issue of poor water quality to Luas.


Selangor Tourism and Environment exco Hee Loy Sian said the charcoal waste was suspected coming from an electric power generation premise that flowed to a nearby village before flowing into Sungai Serdang.

He said the charcoal waste was caused by leakage in a power generation premise.


"Luas investigation also found a white layered water flow as a result of dumping palm oil waste that was suspected done illegally by an unidentified individual using a tanker," he said in a statement today.

Hee said the Klang Land Office and the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) are reviewing the status of landowners and solid waste management before action is taken.


"The incident did not affect the water supply since there is no Water Treatment Plan (WTP) in the area.

"However, Luas is vigiliant and proactive to ensure the state's water resources, especially rivers are preserved well," he said.
