'I want to rest first' says Dr Noor Hisham as he bows out for retirement

Dr Noor Hisham receives a flower bouquet from Putrajaya Media Club as a sign of gratitute for his cooperation and service.

PUTRAJAYA - Health Director General Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah who led Malaysia through Covid-19 pandemic says he will "rest first" after 35 years in service.

He said it was one of the most awaited days for him after devoting 35 years to the country.


"Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly and even Covid-19 is under control," he said briefly when met by reporters after he had clocked out at the Ministry's lobby, here, today.

Dr Noor Hisham had also greeted the media personnel who were waiting for him before leaving.


Dr Noor Hisham receives a flower bouquet from Putrajaya Media Club as a sign of gratitute for his cooperation and service.

"Thank you to all the ministers during my 10 years of service as director general," he said.


Also present were Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa and her Deputy Minister Lukanisman Awang Sauni.

Dr Noor Hisham received a flower bouquet on his way out from Putrajaya Media Club as a sign of gratitute for his service.

He retires after 8 years as Director General and 6 years as Deputy Director General.
