Meth, Yaba most smuggled into Malaysia - Thai Police

Anuruth Imarb during a press conference at his office in Narathiwat, Thailand.

NARATHIWAT - Methamphetamine and Yaba are the two most frequently smuggled drugs into Malaysia, the Narathiwat Provincial Police Chief Major General Anuruth Imarb revealed.

Anuruth suspects that these drugs were smuggled in through an illegal base situated along the Golok River on the Thai-Malaysian border.

"The Thai government is deeply concerned about the situation in Narathiwat, as it is a vulnerable region for drug trafficking, especially to Malaysia due to its proximity to Kelantan," he told reporters, here on Saturday.

Anuruth further said the drugs in question are smuggled in from the northern region of Thailand, known as Segi Tiga Emas or the golden triangle through drug syndicates before reaching the southern border.

He said that their biggest achievement to date was the confiscation of 2,000 kilograms (kg) of drugs in Sungai Golok on July 2 and August 10, worth RM20 million.

He added the investigation had revealed that most drug dealers had started their trade as addicts.

"We also found that the suspect's biggest leader is from Songkhla.


"The Narathiwat Regional Police often organise various measures to prevent, suppress, and solve the drug problem," he said.