Calm down, respect the legal process, Pas tells supporters

Pas secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan

SHAH ALAM – Pas advises its members and supporters to remain calm following the charges framed against caretaker Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor at the Selayang Sessions Court today.

Its secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said Pas was closely following the development of Sanusi’s case who was reportedly detained by the police in the wee hours at a hotel today before he was brought to court.


"Pas advises all parties, especially members and supporters, to remain calm and respect the legal process," he said in a statement today.

Sanusi, who is also the Perikatan Nasional (PN) election director is facing charges in relation to the statement made he made allegedly disputing the authority of the Sultan of Selangor in the appointment of its Menteri Besar.


At a political talk event in Selayang on July 11, the Pas leader was alleged to have touched on the issue of the approval of the Sultan of Selangor in matters related to the appointment of the state Menteri Besar.

In a speech that went viral, he compared his appointment as Kedah Menteri Besar with Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari, who was appointed as Menteri Besar by the Sultan of Selangor.


At least 57 police reports were lodged by several parties against him following the speech, which prompted the investigation into him as the speech touched on the 3R (race, religion and royal institution) issue.