My teenage son told to apply oil on genitals by celebrity preacher, alleges mother

PU Azman at the Seremban Sessions Court.
SEREMBAN - The mother of one of the victims in a sexual assault case involving a celebrity preacher, Pencetus Ummah (PU) Azman, revealed that the accused allegedly asked her son to apply oil to the teenager's genitals.

The 45-year-old third witness said this before Judge Datin Surita Budin on the first day of proceedings in the case of PU Azman, whose real name is Azman Syah Alias, 42, at the Sessions Court on Monday.

The incident allegedly took place on Feb 5, 2022, at PU Azman's house in Sendayan, Seremban.

"My son said he is not lying. He sat in the living room. PU Azman then told him to get some oil from upstairs room of the house.

"He was asked to apply the oil on his private part before he was told to insert it in (PU Azman)," she said.

She first heard about the incident during a meeting arranged by her son's school teacher on Aug 27, 2022, where independent preacher Firdaus Wong was also allegedly present.

The mother revealed that PU Azman had expressed an intention to adopt her son through previous WhatsApp conversations.

"At first, I didn't believe it because PU Azman is a celebrity but my son convinced me to let him go over to his house," she said.

After the incident, the teenager experienced depression and eventually wanted to drop out of school, requesting not to be disturbed.

He also asked not to be disturbed.

The case is being handled by Deputy Public Prosecutors Husni Fairos Ramly and Goh Hsiao Tung, while PU Azman is represented by lawyers Mohamad Zahid Ahmad, Fahmi Adilah, and Norman Mohd Nasir.

Previously, Sinar reported that PU Azman pleaded not guilty to five charges of physical and sexual abuse against 17- and 16-year-old boys in February and July 2022.

According to the three charges, the accused allegedly committed physical and sexual abuse by performing extremely obscene acts, including stimulating the victims.

The act was allegedly carried out in the living room and toilet of a house in Taman Tiara Sendayan in Nilai on Jul 6, 2022, between 3am and 5am.

He pleaded not guilty to seven other charges related to sexual abuse in the Ampang, Klang and Shah Alam Courts.