'I can win Chinese voters with MCA, DAP's help' - Reezal

Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican

KEPALA BATAS - "Having DAP on my left and MCA on my right has indeed granted me a larger advantage and leverage in reaching out to the Chinese voters," says Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican.

Reezal who will be contesting in the Bertam State Legislative Assembly for the state election said he was privileged and grateful as he had the help of the unity government coalition which were DAP and MCA.


"Compared to the past, I am quite privileged this time around as I am assisted by both DAP and MCA.

"They are the two organs that have always been commanding the Chinese influence and support not only in Kepala Batas but also in many other areas.


"With their help, I hope I would be able to get a lot more support from the Chinese community in this state election," he told Sinar Daily when met at a walkabout in Kepala Batas, today.

Reezal who is also the former Kepala Batas MP agreed that it was best to have a close engagement with the voters.


"Today's walkabout was eye-opening, it's best to have a close engagement by having yourself physically attending to the voter's business place, getting to know them and getting them to know you.

"My heart feels warm when I shake hands with them, have eye-contact and good gesture, so I hope this would be translated into having conviction in me representing them as an assemblyman," he said.
