Government implement Madani economy's initiatives based on budget allocation- Ahmad

Deputy Minister of Finance 1 Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan- Photo by Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR -The Unity government is capable of implementing the initiatives outlined in the Madani Economy: Empowering the People framework, said Deputy Finance Minister 1 Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan.

He said the framework had taken into account the total operating expenditure of RM289.1 billion that has been allocated in this year's budget.

"We have the money because we collect revenue from direct taxes and indirect taxes through the Inland Revenue Board, the Royal Malaysian Customs Department, as well as certain dividends," he said during Bernama TV’s Ruang Bicara programme last night.

According to Ahmad, the ministry is also encouraged to use all the resources that have been allocated in implementing the initiatives outlined under the Madani Economy framework.

"This task is not undertaken by only one ministry, it is done by all ministries; the Prime Minister who is also the Minister of Finance has asked all ministries to outline the initiatives that will be implemented.

"However, if there is a need for extra allocations, they will need to apply for it from the Finance Ministry before the tabling of Budget 2024 in October,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ahmad said the engagement sessions on Budget 2024 which have been held over the past few weeks have emphasised on efforts to empower the nation’s economy and ensuring the people’s wellbeing.

"The ministry, public and private sectors as well as non-governmental organisations and agencies involved in the session were also briefed on the Madani Economy concept that will be implemented,” he said. - BERNAMA