Ramasamy resigns from DAP

Penang DAP deputy chairman P. Ramasamy’s announces his resignation from DAP, today.

PERAI - Penang DAP deputy chairman P. Ramasamy announces his resignation from the party, today.

The three-term Perai assemblyman made the announcement just weeks after he was dropped from the candidate list for the Penang state election.


"I have sent my resignation letter to DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke this morning.

"I made this decision after giving a lot of thought, I also consulted my friends and family beforehand.


"Hereby, my presence in DAP ends,” he said in a press conference at Taman Chai Leng, here today.

Ramasamy was among five senior Penang DAP leaders who were dropped as candidates for the state election this week.


He said he accepted the party's decision with an open heart, however, he was disappointed that Loke himself did not inform him about it.

"I was Loke's teacher back then, but he has no courtesy. At least he could have told me that we are going to be dropped.


"But he didn't, instead he sent DAP vice-president Nga Kor Ming to inform me," he said.

Last month, Ramasamy said a number of incumbents had been dropped on grounds that the party wanted to begin a rejuvenation process.

However, he highlighted that many younger candidates were dropped and replaced by much older candidates.

He added that the 'political purge' was made on those who were seen supporting Penang caretaker chief minister Chow Kon Yeow.

"I was dropped to contest in upcoming state election on July 18, 2023. It was right for the party to drop me and five others, however, in the name of rejuvenation, what took place was a political purge.

"This was not a rejuvenation nor a revitalisation exercise but a political purge to sideline those who were seen or portrayed as supporters of Chow," he said.

DAP has chosen S.Sundarajoo, as the party's candidate for the Perai state seat which was considered a hot seat.