Family of taxi driver asks to stop spread of pictures, videos

Noor Azlina (right) with Muhammad Nasha Fikri showing an image of their family when met in Kampung Kubang Parit Kuala Terengganu.

KUALA TERENGGANU - The family of the taxi driver who was found dead in a vehicle near the Seberang Takir Health Clinic in Kuala Nerus, has asked for the public to stop spreading the video and images of the victim at the scene.

The victim’s wife Noor Azlina Ramli, 41, said she hoped no speculations would be made on the incident and she would leave it to the authorities to conduct investigations.


"We appeal to the good hearts of all to stop spreading the images and videos of my late husband at the scene where he was found dead.

"My children and I are still grieving and in shock with what happened. I hope and pray for justice for my late husband,” she said when met by reporters at her home in Kampung Kubang Parit, here on Friday.


Azlina said she did not expect the incident would befall her husband after six years of working as a taxi driver.

She said the last moment she was in contact with her husband was on 8pm on Thursday and he said he was on his way back home from Kota Bharu, Kelantan.


"He has been driving a taxi for six years. Nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened. I didn’t expect that he would now leave so soon.

"If we followed his daily routine, he would leave the home at 9am and return at 1pm to fetch the children from school.


"Yesterday after sending our child (Eliy Syazwani, 16) to school he left to return to Kota Bharu around 2.30pm,” she said.

Azlina said she knew of the incident of her husband after a nephew shared a message on the WhatsApp application around 11.15pm before she was contacted by police.

"The time I received the news I was shocked and rushed to the scene,” she said.

The media previously reported a taxi driver Mohd Latif Idris, 51, was found dead with injuries on his body at the rear passenger seat of his taxi.

The body will be buried at the Kubang Parit Islamic Cemetery on Friday.