DAP may lose the support of the Chinese

No one can guarantee that DAP will get the support of Malay voters if they abandon the party's original ideology (inset: Yun Fah, Koo Ham)

SHAH ALAM - DAP may lose influence and support of non-Malay races especially Chinese if they drop the agenda of establishing a 'Secular State' and the slogan 'Malaysian Malaysia'.

Huayan Policy Academic Director Institute Center for Malaysian Chinese Studies (Huayan), Associate Professor Dr Chang Yun Fah was of the opinion that because of that, DAP was unlikely to drop the agenda in addition to the matter being the core ideology of the party.


He said until now, none could guarantee that DAP would get the support of Malay voters if they left the original ideology of the party.

"But for now, it is not appropriate for the coalition party, the unity government in Putrajaya to discuss the issue of party ideology respectively, even DAP or Umno.


"They cannot possibly compete with Pas on ideological issues this time. They should prioritise issues of the national economy, increase people's livelihood and reduce the hardship experienced by the B40 group in the near future,” he told Sinar Premium.

Following that, Yun Fah insisted, that all parties in the Government coalition Unity should not interfere in the internal affairs and ideologies of other parties, instead they should respect each other.


For example, Yun Fah pointed out, that when Pas cooperated with DAP in Pakatan Rakyat (PR), they never interfered in internal affairs between each other.

"If Pas and DAP can work together first by focusing on sharing the same values ​​such as justice, corruption and so on. So, there is no reason why Umno and DAP can't set aside their differences.


"Without creating issues of difference in ideology between Umno and DAP, the unity government can still work if they focus on the same agenda. The difference can be presented later when they have defeated the same enemy the same which is Pas and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu),” he said.

Umno Supreme Working Council member Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed previously suggested that DAP drop the 'Secular State' agenda and the slogan 'Malaysian Malaysia''.

Nur Jazlan said there was no other way to convince the Malays that DAP today was different from before, apart from amending the party’s amendment and dropped the two elements.

The Dewan Negara deputy speaker, who is also the Pulai Division Umno Leader insisted that the two agendas continued to be traumatising to people Malay which led them not to accept DAP's struggle.

Meanwhile, Beruas Member of Parliament also Chairman of the Committee DAP disciplinarian, Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham explained that the agenda was not in the constitution of the party involved.

"I think Nur Jazlan doesn't read DAP Constitution. Words like 'Secular country' and the slogan 'Malaysian Malaysia' are not in DAP Constitution as claimed by him. DAP is a political party that upholds the Federal Constitution," he said