AGC 'Internal Memo' leak issue unanswered, Umno Youth will lodge police report - Dr Akmal

Dr Akmal Saleh - FILE PIX

KUALA LUMPUR - Umno Youth will mobilise its members throughout the nation to lodge police reports for investigations to be done towards the recent Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) 'Internal Memo' leak.

Its leader, Dr Muhammad Akmal Salleh said despite the push towards the matter to be answered by the AGC and Attorney-General (AG) Tan Sri Idrus Harun who stated investigations were underway, no credible information has been given towards the claims.

"Umno Youth is aware of the statement made by the AG Tan Sri Idrus Harun who stated investigations were underway for the document leak.


"However, we feel disappointed as there has been no concrete response to the demand for an investigation to be conducted on the document’s authenticity,” he said in a statement on Friday.

He further stated his disappointment when the AGC announced the AG’s leave without providing any information on the investigation.


"It was disappointing when the AGC announced the AG was on leave and he retired shortly after on Sept 6, 2023.

"The AG’s actions announcing to go on leave without providing investigation results or to respond to questions has left the issue hanging.


"No party can confirm the authenticity of the document even today. This indirectly gives a negative impact towards the public’s confidence towards the AGC,” he said.

Dr Akmal said he will urge members of Umno Youth throughout the nation to odge a police report for investigations to be done.


"Therefore, on the basis of concern and adherence to the third and fourth Rukun Negara, Supremacy of the Constitution and the Rule of Law, Umno Youth will mobilise its members across the nation to lodge police reports for an investigation to be conducted by relevant authorities and appropriate actions to be taken to restore public confidence in the legal system,” Dr Akmal said.

A viral document had previously leaked on social media that claimed it was an ‘Internal Memo’ from the AGC.

The Memo among other matters suggested the prosecution team’s recommendation for the International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) case dated Sept 10, 2019.

The content had unanimously took the position that the six charges against former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and former Chief Secretary to the Treasury Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah did not meet the minimum requirement for the criminal breach of trust (CBT) to obtain a prima facie case.

The document was reported to be directed towards former AG Tan Sri Tommy Thomas at the time. - AWANI