Pelangai by-election: 'Green wave's influence is a perception' - BN candidate Amizar

Amizar meeting with vendors while campaigning recently - Photo from Datuk Amizar Abu Adam's Facebook

SHAH ALAM -The green wave and blue wave are merely perceptions used to rally and win the hearts of supporters, says Pelangai State Assembly BN candidate Datuk Amizar Abu Adam.

In an interview with Sinar, he said there was a clear difference between perception and performance.


"We have two things: perception and performance. I stress performance for the public to understand we want to live with a government that is not just perceptions.

"We must live with the performance. So, to make a great government, their performance must be good and outstanding," he added.


This was in response to questions that, although Pelangai was seen as an Umno stronghold, but the green wave's presence cannot be denied and should be addressed.

Amizar added that Pahang Menteri Besar had said he reduced the debt from RM3 billion to RM990 million, which was not an easy task to be done for other states, and Pahang could do so, which was excellence.


He said that BN must win and block the wave, as politically competitive parties would not lead to harmony.

"If we wanted to stop the wave, performance must be an objective for us, and we must go against them and win.


"For us, we must stop the wave because the politically competitive parties were performing in ways that would not be harmonious if it continued,” he said.