Malaysians unite to aid Palestinians in #Aid4Palestine2.0 campaign

A social media post showed that concerned individuals also donated jewellery to help the oppressed Muslims in Palestine during the launch of #Aid4Palestine2.0 in Rusila, Marang.

KUALA TERENGGANU - Malaysians have demonstrated profound support for Palestine following the recent conflict instigated by Israel's significant aggression.

Pas Central International Affairs and Foreign Relations committee chairman Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi revealed that the #Aid4Palestine2.0 fundraising campaign in Rusila, Marang, accumulated RM60,176 through cash and jewelry donations.


"Malaysians' compassion towards the challenges faced by Palestinians is overwhelming.

"It's a global concern that resonates deeply with many," he told Sinar when contacted today.


Muhammad Khalil also conveyed gratitude towards the immediate support.

"On the campaign's inaugural day, we witnessed generous donations from those empathetic to the adversities faced by our Muslim kin in Palestine.


We aspire for collective efforts to aid those suffering from this injustice," he said.

He said a special press conference concerning the donation collection is scheduled in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday.


The event aims to elucidate the allocation of contributions destined for Palestine.

Details of the nationwide #Aid4Palestine2.0 campaign, especially in states under the Pas-Perikatan Nasional (PN) administration, will be unveiled, including state-level initiatives and collaborations with NGOs in Palestine.

On the current collection's objectives, Muhammad Khalil noted a distinction from the 2021 fundraiser.

"During the #Aid4Palestine1.0 campaign, our alignment with the government enabled more widespread collections through central agencies.

"Now, representing Pas, PN, and NGOs, our focus spans the four governed states and beyond.

"While our target might not be as ambitious as previously, we aim to amass RM1 million in Terengganu alone.

"We remain optimistic and will announce our overall goal this Wednesday," he said.