Four months in, still no successor for late Salahuddin. What's so difficult? - Muhyiddin asks

Muhyiddin Yassin. - FILE PIX

SHAH ALAM - Perikatan Nasional (PN) chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin rebukes the government's failure to fill the vacant Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister post for four months, citing it as a clear sign of the government's disregard for people's concerns.

"What is so difficult?” was Muhyiddin’s poser in an exclusive interview with Sinar.


Muhyiddin, who is also the Parti Pribumi Bersatu president, claimed that the prolonged vacancy of the said ministerial portfolio -- helmed by the late Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub -- attested the government’s "lack of commitment.”

"It means that the Prime Minister is not committed to helping the people in solving the issue of rice, sugar and soaring prices.


"I thought the people’s problems were difficult enough during the Covid-19 era, but now it is even more tough,” said Muhyiddin.

The hardships were exceptionally so, argued Muhyiddin, among not just those in rural but urban areas as well.


In the interview, he added that the government’s failure to address these bread-and-butter issues was the prime reason why many seemed to resonate well with the opposition’s campaigns.

In fact, it was not just the Malays who have been increasingly disenchanted with the Government, the non-Malays have been gradually sharing a similar sentiment as well.


"We found this in our surveys. The non-Malays are getting angry with DAP because the party has not been as vocal as it used to be.

"As the opposition, we understand this and that is why when we go down, we see some sort of a realisation from voters, that PN was right about the government.” said Muhyiddin.