167 police personnel disciplined in past two months, PDRM stresses zero tolerance

Federal Police Integrity and Compliance Standards (JIPS) Department Director Datuk Seri Azri Ahmad - File Pix

Dismissals, fines, suspensions used to address officer misconduct

KUALA LUMPUR - A total of 167 police officers and personnel have been subjected to disciplinary punishment since two months ago.

According to Federal Police Integrity and Compliance Standards Department (JIPS) Director Datuk Seri Azri Ahmad, out of this figure, nine police officers and personnel have been dismissed.


"In the same period, 117 officers and police personnel received warnings, fines (27), forfeiture of emoluments (12), one faced suspension of salary movement, and another experienced a salary reduction," he told Sinar when contacted.

Expanding on the statistics, Azri detailed that 632 officers and personnel faced work suspension measures, while 143 members and officers were suspended.


Among those suspended, 74 were senior police officers and 558 were junior police officers.

"A total of 17 senior police officers and 126 junior police officers faced suspension," he said.


Azri clarified that the unemployment and suspension statistics were current as of Feb 29.

"These figures are not confined to this year alone and are subject to change as employees are reinstated or their cases are concluded with dismissal actions.


"The data is always changing, not static," he stressed.

He reiterated that the disciplinary measures highlighted the commitment to addressing misconduct within the police force.

"Violations of the law by police personnel are thoroughly investigated and may lead to charges in accordance with established regulations.

"JIPS conducts concurrent disciplinary investigations that can result in dismissal or demotion, depending on the severity of the cases," he added.