Songket recognised as Unesco List of Representatives - Motac

01 Jan 2022 01:55am
GEDONG, DEC 14 - Siti Sri Songket's owner Siti Hawa Saleh weaving Sarawakian songket at her home in Kampung Gedong, Sarawak. She has been in the weaving industry for the past 30 years. (Source: Bernama)
GEDONG, DEC 14 - Siti Sri Songket's owner Siti Hawa Saleh weaving Sarawakian songket at her home in Kampung Gedong, Sarawak. She has been in the weaving industry for the past 30 years. (Source: Bernama)

KUALA LUMPUR - Songket, dubbed 'Ratu Kain' in Malay weaving, once again has made history when it was listed under UNESCO's (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity at the 16th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

In a statement today, the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry (MOTAC) said the session took place online from Dec 13 to 18 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.

"The decision was announced today at 5.55 pm (Malaysian time) and was decided by the committee comprising 24 member states of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, chaired by Sri Lanka.

"MOTAC, through the National Heritage Department, nominated songket under the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This intangible cultural heritage nomination document was submitted to the UNESCO Secretariat on March 31 last year,” said the statement.

The listing under the UNESCO Representative List is the highest recognition in the world for intangible cultural heritage, which can promote and highlight heritage at the world level.

Apart from that, it shows Malaysia's commitment to protect intangible cultural heritage, in line with Thrust 3 of the National Cultural Policy (DAKEN) which is to focus on efforts to preserve and conserve cultural heritage, according to the statement.- BERNAMA

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