The lost generation?

07 Jan 2022 09:16am
School children adapting to the new norm in the era of Covid-19
School children adapting to the new norm in the era of Covid-19
In my opinion, we should not take the issue of children not being able to read despite reaching standard Three, lightly and start treating it as a serious matter.

There are a lot of factors contributing to the issue, among them are the movement control order (MCO) and the lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2020 and 2021, hundreds of schools were closed

At the preschool and primary school level, it is important for the students to receive basic education such as writing, reading and calculating.

Perhaps some parents are able to teach their children on their own.

At the same time, many students are depending on home-based teaching and learning (PdPR) but we are all aware that the system is flawed.

Many parents do not have adequate gadgets to provide their children for their home-based learning.

Some parents even send their children to extra classes for their children to catch up with their studies.

Unfortunately, not all parents are able to do that, especially those who have lost their job due to the pandemic and recently, we were hit with massive floods.

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I agree with the suggestion for the implementation of a special program to help the students who are falling behind in their studies.

There might be a method to accelerate the process for children to learn how to read and write.

Some people said that they are the lost generation but for me, they need to be saved.