Foreign Affairs Minister reveals what type of leader he aspires to be

15 Jan 2022 02:59pm
A screengrab of Saifuddin on Politically Frank admiring a framed photo of first Prime Minister Tunku Abcul Rahman at Stadium Merdeka.
A screengrab of Saifuddin on Politically Frank admiring a framed photo of first Prime Minister Tunku Abcul Rahman at Stadium Merdeka.

SHAH ALAM - Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Abdullah considers himself a social democrat, naming Malaysia’s first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman as one of the politicians he looked up to.

“I consider myself to be a social democrat, so I hope to develop a multiracial and moderate democracy under my leadership.

“Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s ‘Bapa Kemerdekaan’ (Father of Independence) is an iconic figure especially when it comes to a true moderate, progressive-minded and multiracial leader in his ways of leading the country,” he told Sinar Daily.

Saifuddin, who is Indera Mahkota MP, said it was not easy to find politicians who practised social democracy in the country to look up to but there were any beyond our Malaysian borders.

He, however, preferred not to name them.

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“I’m a social democrat so it’s not easy to find a local social democrat to name here, but there are many of them outside the country... You might get into trouble if you mention their names,” he joked.

Watch his full interview with Sinar Daily on Politically Frank here.

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