PBS, Warisan, DAP leaders bumped into each other in CNY walkabouts

23 Jan 2022 04:26pm
Mohd Shafie handing out mandarin oranges to the traders at the Jalan Gaya Sunday market or 'Tamu'.
Mohd Shafie handing out mandarin oranges to the traders at the Jalan Gaya Sunday market or 'Tamu'.

KOTA KINABALU – The presence of three political parties at the Jalan Gaya Sunday market or ‘Tamu’ had lighten the atmosphere, there, when they accidentally ran into each other during a ‘walkabout’ ahead of the Chinese New Year celebration, next week.

Those who were there from Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) were its deputy president Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai, its secretary-general Datuk Joniston Bangkuai and several other assemblymen including Matunggong assemblyman Datuk Julita Majungki.

Meanwhile, from Parti Warisan Sabah, its president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, were there with Warisan’s vice president who is also Tanjung Aru assemblyman Datuk Junz Wong, its Wira chief who is also Sepanggar MP Datuk Mohd Azis Jamman and its information chief who is also Petagas assemblyman Datuk Awang Ahmad Sah Sahari.

DAP Sabah secretary and Kota Kinabalu MP Chan Foong Hin, was also there.

It was a busy day at the market when each representatives from the political parties greeted the traders and visitors while handing out yearly calenders, Mandarin oranges, and goody bags during the walkabout.

Joniston who is also Kiulu assemblyman said the fact that they had bumped into each other was something good as each political parties does not always have to quarrel with each other.

“Why is there a need to fight, when we are all fighting for a similar purpose. Let’s just help each other out with whatever we can. If there are some who are unable to get along with each other, what can we do.

“We have to be nice with everyone” he said when met by a Sinar Harian reporter, after the walkabout, here, today.

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Meanwhile, Shafie said going to the ground to meet the people must be done not only during the festive seasons but also when people are in need due to disasters like floods or fires.

He said aids were not only being handed on a seasonal basis, citing the fire incidents in Penampang, Sugud, Kota Marudu, in Sandakan, Mohd Shafie in which aids were provided to those affected.

“Aids were given especially when a natural disaster hits.

“We need to have awareness in providing assistance to people. Today, we are present with all the parties, not only Warisan.

“Let there be no hatred among us because of the difference in our political ideaologies.

“They can say whatever they wish in Parliament, that is their right and we cannot tell them not to,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chan was seen carrying some bags filled with food using a trolley to be given to those at the market.

Tamu in Jalan Gaya which operates on Sundays is one of the most popular tourist attraction in Kota Kinabalu.

Sellers would gather at the market located at the city centre to sell various goods from food to plants, pets and handmade crafts.

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