Eggs-istential Crisis: What is nasi lemak without eggs?

Traders have suffered losses of up to 30 percent since the supply of chicken eggs was disrupted two weeks ago.

09 Feb 2022 02:49pm
What is a simple authentic nasi lemak without eggs?
What is a simple authentic nasi lemak without eggs?

SHAH ALAM - Limited supply of chicken eggs and price hikes in certain places have affected traders as well as consumers who depend on these raw materials.

A survey carried out by Sinar Daily at several grocery stores and supermarkets in Sections 30 and 31 on Tuesday found that the supply of chicken eggs had been inconsistent over the past two weeks.

In terms of price, the survey found that traders are selling chicken eggs in accordance with the ruling set by the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP).

Trader Muhd ​​Amareza Abu Bakar, 26, admitted that he had to sell nasi lemak without eggs due to a supply shortage that had occurred over the past two weeks.

“I sell nasi lemak in the morning and evening. So when the morning was over, I had to sell nasi lemak without eggs in the evening. Customers always complain when we run out of eggs.

“Surprisingly, there are also supermarkets in Shah Alam that have set a limit on how many eggs a family can purchase. In fact, the cost of grade C eggs has increased from around RM9 to RM11.90.a tray.

"It feels as if it's just getting harder to obtain eggs, especially before Ramadan and Syawal," he said.

Muhd Amareza has been selling nasi lemak for the past two years.

Another trader, Saharuddin Shaid, 52, said that the disruption of chicken egg supply affected his business when the stock he received had to be divided into three for all of his stalls scattered around Shah Alam.

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Due to the supply issue, he is now only able to get 180 to 200 chicken eggs to be sold compared to the normal amount of around 240 eggs.

He said the price hikes of these raw materials have also reduced his profit margin by 30 per cent.

“Eggs are an important part of the menu at every stall because they are cheap compared to other dishes. if there are no eggs available, customers will most likely not even consider other dishes because they are more expensive.

"Sometimes I have to check several other shops just to get supplies although it is never the amount I would expect," said Saharuddin, who had been in business for the past 12 years.

Thirty-five year old Ahmad Fikri Mat Yusoff shared his own perspective as a consumer and said that he had to buy other types of chicken eggs such as organic ones, which tend to be more expensive than regular eggs.

"I hope this matter is resolved and the food supply shortage issues do not happen again," he said.

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