Strong foundation of faith prevents pornography addiction

24 Feb 2022 06:43pm
Deputy Perak Mufti Datuk Zamri Hashim
Deputy Perak Mufti Datuk Zamri Hashim

IPOH - Instilling a strong foundation of faith in children’s lives could prevent them from falling into pornography addiction.

Deputy Perak Mufti Datuk Zamri Hashim said parents and family members need to play a role in educating children at home to shape their faith.

He said among the things that could be done were to explain to children about sins and rewards (pahala).

"Faith from the Islamic perspective is like a tree foundation. The stronger the foundation is, the stronger our faith is as Muslims.

"In this case, parents need do more activities with their children especially reciting the Quran and fasting.

"This will help strengthen the foundation of their faith and make them feel like Allah is watching over them and are afraid to commit bad deeds,” he said.

He said this when commenting on Sinar Harian's report on child sexual crimes which are at an alarming level and mainly influenced by pornographic content consumed on social media platforms.

Records showed that such crimes have increased significantly and there were 405 victims reported in a period of two years since 2020, which included children.

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Commenting further, Zamri said due to the current technological development, parents were advised not to simply let their children use gadgets unsupervised.

He said, although it has become a necessity, in Islam, there were guidelines to rights or freedom which is as long as it does not go beyond the limits, it is permissible and if exceeds the limit, then it is prohibited.

“It’s best to explain to them the dos and don’ts in using electronic devices,” he said.

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