Dewan Rakyat descends into chaos over Sultan Sulu RM63 billion compensation

10 Mar 2022 11:52am
Warisan fires back at de facto Law Minister Wan Junaidi Wan Tuanku Jaafar's statements regarding the issue of Malaysia having to compensate the descendants of Sulu Sultan a whopping RM63 billion.
Warisan fires back at de facto Law Minister Wan Junaidi Wan Tuanku Jaafar's statements regarding the issue of Malaysia having to compensate the descendants of Sulu Sultan a whopping RM63 billion.

SHAH ALAM - The Dewan Rakyat descended into chaos today after two Sabah opposition MPs questioned if Putrajaya was taking the claims made by Sultan Sulu's RM63 billion compensation seriously.

This took place after Ahmad Hassan (Warisan-Papar) posed the question to de facto Law Minister Wan Junaidi Wan Tuanku Jaafar during Ministerial Question Time (MQT) today.

He asked Wan Junaidi to confirm if there were claims by former attorney-general Tan Sri Tommy Thomas’ that Putrajaya had sent a letter to Spanish arbitrator Dr Gonzalo Stampa on the identities of the individuals.

“Has this been discussed by the Cabinet? If so, when was this decision made, and on what grounds?”, he asked.

Wan Junaidi replied the government has not recognised such claims or neither the compensation.

“There is no provision in the 1878 Agreement to state the arbitration agreement, hence it is not valid.

“I have also stated that the government has yet to determine the legitimacy of these supposed descendants of Sultan Sulu,” added Wan Junaidi.

The Star quoting Sabah Law Society president Roger Chin had reported that Malaysia was legally obliged to pay up to US$14.9 billion (RM62.6 billion) to the descendents of the defunct Sulu sultanate for violation of a land lease agreement in 1878 awarded by a French arbitration court.

He explained that this is because Malaysia is a member of the New York Convention,

However, Chin also said Malaysia can apply to set aside the award decision but has to do it in France where the arbitration court is based.

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Isnaraissah Munirah Maijilis (Warisan-Kota Belud) questioned if the government recognises such Sulu Sultan's claims after Court of Arbitration in Paris ordered the government to pay RM63 billion compensation to the descendants.

She voiced out concerns as the arbitration court in Paris seemed to be siding with the Claimant and urged Putrajaya to lodge a police report to probe over possible conspiracy over the issue.

Isnaraissah also questioned Sabah state government's stand on the issue.

Wan Junaidi replied that Putrajaya had nullified Dr Stampa’s appointment as the arbitrator as well as everything leading up to the final award.

“We have done our best,” he said.

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