Don't try to threaten us, Annuar Musa tells DAP over pulling out of MoU

21 Mar 2022 07:45pm
Tan Sri Annuar Musa says the proposal to limit the PM's term and tabling of party-hopping laws are not implemented yet.
Tan Sri Annuar Musa says the proposal to limit the PM's term and tabling of party-hopping laws are not implemented yet.
PASIR MAS - Communications and Multimedia Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa has reminded DAP not to make confusing statements on the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the government and the Pakatan Harapan (PH).

Annuar, a member of the MoU Negotiation and Implementation Committee said 80 percent of the items in the MoU have been or are being implemented.

"There are only a few things such as the proposal to limit the term of office of the Prime Minister and the tabling of a law against party-hopping in Parliament that have not been implemented, the rest are in the process of implementation and they are running well.

"Therefore, I advise DAP not to issue statements that could confuse the people as if there is no understanding between the government and the opposition party (PH)," he told reporters after handing over flood assistance to 150 residents of Kampung Serongga near Repek, here.

Annuar added the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob would never bow to any threats from any political party on matters that could confuse the people.

For instance,he said yesterday, DAP national chairman Lim Guan Eng said he wanted to end the MoU between the government and PH if the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2022 on Anti-Hopping were not passed in Parliament.

"I wish to explain, this understanding is based on commitment and sincerity but if DAP tries to threaten, I want to emphasise that the government will not bow to any threat," he said.

The Ketereh MP added several considerations are needed over the Bill related to Anti -Hopping including the constitution, the definition of party hopping and the consent of all political parties.

He said recently de facto Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar had said that he has undertaken preliminary talks with several political parties, adding that "some even asked for more time to discuss the matter with their members, so for me there is no question of passing or not."
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Yesterday, the media had reported that DAP will seek a definitive answer from the government on the final date for the tabling of the Anti-Hopping laws in Parliament.

Guan Eng said the party would seek confirmation from Ismail Sabri on the matter, otherwise, the MoU between the government and the PH coalition (made up of DAP, PKR and Amanah) would be automatically cancelled.

Prior to this, Wan Junaidi was reported as saying that the Anti-Hopping bill would be tabled in the Dewan Rakyat only after the views and input of all parties involved were carried out, and all engagement sessions were concluded.

Under the MoU signed last September by Ismail Sabri and party leaders in the PH coalition it was agreed that Parliament would not be dissolved before July 21 this year. - Bernama

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