No suitable place to store excessive water in Kelantan - DMB

12 May 2022 02:16pm
Deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah - Photo: BERNAMA
Deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah - Photo: BERNAMA

KOTA BHARU - The ground and surface water resources in Kelantan have exceeded the existing needs of the state.

However, according to deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, there was no suitable place to store the water to the point that the water resources available in the state could not be utilised.

“The water in Kelantan have exceeded the needs as water in the ground, in the river and rain water could not be stored.

“Our ground water is plentiful and it is more than we need, but we do not have enough water treatment plants.

"When we build a plant, the pipe would break, so we use ground water since it is easier than river water. The problem with river water is that it is silty.

“Our ground water has a lot of iron content, and this is acknowledged by engineers, which is why the water appears cloudy.

"It's not dirty, it is clean and safe to drink. When we mix it with chlorine, it reacts with the water causing it to become cloudy, this is what we have to deal with.

"If we make a reservoir pool, we can store water from the pond and channel it to the areas that need water," he told reporters at his office, yesterday.

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Mohd Amar said the proposed construction project for the largest reservoir in Kelantan has been approved by the Environment and Water Ministry.

He said the construction of the reservoir located in Machang had been included in the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) with the proposal submitted two years ago.

He reiterated that the water problem in Kelantan could be solved if the state obtained an adequate allocation estimated at RM7 billion.

He said the need for such allocation was plausible given the current state of needs and rising costs.

"It's 2022, financial needs are increasing due to population growth," said Mohd Amar.

He said the estimated RM7 billion, among others, involved the construction of a new water treatment plant (LRA), reservoir pond and the conversion of old pipes to new ones of over 5,000 kilometres.

Previously, some parties, including a non-governmental organisation known as ‘Save Kelantan’, questioned the allocation of RM7 billion to the state. - AWANI

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